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Since its inception in 1973, the U.S. Army Ranger Association, Inc., (USARA) has functioned as a social association dedicated to supporting the Ranger community.  USARA is a Georgia nonprofit corporation recognized by the Internal Revenue under Section 501(c)(3) of the Tax Code.  Receipts for donations will be sent for all individual donations more than $100. Please consult with your personal tax advisor to verify any applicable deduction.

USARA’s three primary programs consist of the Events and Activities program, the Ranger Assistance Fund, and the Michael B. Ranger Legacy Scholarship Program.  All are supported entirely by donations made by those wishing to support the Ranger community.

Additionally, USARA provides funds and other resources to support numerous programs operated by other active duty and veteran Ranger organizations, including the National Ranger Foundation and Ranger Monument, Ranger Hall of Fame; Best Ranger Competition; and the annual awards given to the top members of the 75th Ranger Regiment and Airborne & Ranger Training Brigade.

Please keep the USARA in mind when doing your periodic contribution, donation, and gift assessments and your estate planning. USARA welcomes donations via credit card or PayPal at the link below.  You may also mail donation checks directly to USARA at the address shown at the bottom of this page.

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Contact Information

*Last name
Enter your last name.
*First name
Enter your first name and middle initial.
Enter your current work organization if mail is sent to that address. Do not enter any other information.
*Address 1
Enter your mailing street or PO box number.
Address 2
Enter a second address if needed.
Enter the city/town in which you reside.
*Zip/Postal Code
Enter your zip/postal code.
Enter your email address. This is for contact mail purposes, and is your user ID for logging into the USARA website.
Cell Phone
Enter like: (999) 999-9999.

Donation Information

 My donation is In Honor or In Memory of someone special:
In Honor / Memory Of:
 Donation to be used for:
*Amount of Donation: ($USD)
 Payment frequency
 Item(s) in lieu of money (describe in comment below)
 Donation Privacy:

All general donations will be applied to the USARA general fund, which is used to support to the day-to-day operations of the Association, the three major programs identified above, and many smaller programs intended to assist USARA with completing its mission of supporting the Ranger community.

Donations may also be sent by check to the address below.

US Army Ranger Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 52126
Fort Moore, GA 31995-2126

IRS 501(c)(3) Determination Letter